
Grow carnivorous plants

Grow carnivorous plants

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Grow carnivorous plants: a careful guide that will provide you with instructions for thecultivation of carnivorous plants; from the right soil to the care to be devoted to the plants.

There cultivationcarnivorous plants require a humid, poorly ventilated and temperate climate. For these needs, thecarnivorous plantsYes they cangrow indoors recreating (as far as possible) the most favorable habitat.

For somecarnivorous plants, the only possible alternative for cultivation isterrarium. Aterrariumit is a structure / container, in glass or plastic, waterproof and therefore able to offer an environment partially saturated with humidity. Aterrariumwhether it is closed or open, it must ensure a certain air exchange.

Carnivorous houseplants belong to different species. Among the best known to cultivate we point out the species:

  • Drosera capensis
  • Dionaea muscipula
  • Sarracenia purpurea
  • Nepenthes

Carnivorous plants, care and cultivation

The treatments that we will see below can be applied to all species of carnivorous likes.

How to water carnivorous plants

ThecarnivorousI'macidophilic plants. They need an acidic soil and for this they have to cure both the composition of the substrate and the water of periodic irrigations are good.

The water to be administered tocarnivorousIt must NOT be taped because it would alter the reaction of the soil. Tap water has a pH of around 7-8 (slightly alkaline), without considering that it is rich in limestone.

For theirrigation of carnivorous plantsuse distilled water or rainwater.

Which land to choose

As for the soil, you cannot use the classic universal soil, nor the other fertilizers you give to ornamental plants.

Thecarnivorous plantsthey need agroundpoor in nourishment and with a basically acidic pH reaction. A good compound is given byacid peat mud but for some species it is recommended to use sphagnum.

The basic soil (sphagnum or acidic peat of sphagnum) must be mixed with silica sand or with perlite and vermiculite.

Exposure and temperature

Most ofcarnivorous plantsneeds a lot of light. You can expose the plants to full sunlight but you have to make sure that temperatures do not exceed 38 ° C.

Who wantsgrowing carnivorous plants indoorswill have to take advantage of special artificial lighting.

For thecarnivorous plant care, checking the temperature is essential. All carnivorous plants adapt well to a temperature range between 20 and 30 ° C. It must be said that, depending on the species, some plants can tolerate temperatures between 15 and 40 ° C well.

Cultivation of carnivorous plants in terrariums

For more demanding species or if the place where you want to grow carnivorous plants is dry or very windy, terrarium cultivation is the only option you have. Carnivorous plants suffer in the presence of drafts.

Grow carnivorous plants from seed

Drosera is a plant of easy reproduction and germination. Sarracenia seeds are dormant so they have much longer germination times. For sowing, just distribute the seeds on the well-moistened peat surface. Germination is induced by light so place the jars in bright light, to protect the seeds from moisture dispersion, cover the jars with a plastic bell. Also for germination, use acidic sphagnum peat and distilled or rain water. The first signs of germination should appear within a month.

Video: Nepenthes Basics: How to Grow Nepenthes Carnivorous Pitcher Plants (December 2024).