
How to grow turnips

How to grow turnips

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How to grow turnips: instructions on growing red, white, yellow or purple turnips. Grow turnip from seed or from planting seedlings. Right time for implantation, care and useful advice.

White, yellow, purple orred, of turnips there are all colors and they are very easy to usecultivate. In the garden, theturnipsthey can give great satisfaction because both the most tender leaves and the large and fleshy root are used of this plant.

How to grow turnips

In some regions of Italy theturnipit is not cultivated at all, yet it is a vegetable of primary importance in the countries of Central and Northern Europe as it is an important source of nutrition during the winter.

Theturnipsthey are sown in early summer and harvested from late autumn to late winter. Actually theperiodscultivation as well as harvest, vary according to climatic zones.

The turnip cultivation cycle, ie the waiting period from sowing to harvest, ranges from 50 to 80 days.

Grow turnips from seed

Best time for sowing in Northern Italy and in the Center

Turnip is possiblesowfrom mid-late July to September so as to harvest from mid-September onwards. To have a lot of harvests it is possible to stagger the sowing.

Best times for sowing in southern Italy

In the mild climate areas, however, thesowingit can be performed from February to early May. Considering the cultivation cycle highlighted above, the crops will be from April to July.

How to sow turnips?
Thereturnipit should be sown directly in the flower beds, without going through the seedbeds. Theresowingit must be performed in rows 20 - 30 cm apart and the seeds must be distributed sparingly (they must be very sparse).

The sowing depth is around half a centimeter in loose soils while in the harder and more compact ones, it is better to decrease the depth and keep more on the surface.

Since thesowingbroadcasting, once germination has taken place, it will be necessary to thin out. For the thinning wait for theturnipsthey will have reached a height of 5 - 10 cm and will have placed at least 3 - 4 leaves.

Eliminate the weaker turnips by leaving one every 15 - 20 cm along the row ... Keep in mind that if you leave 20 - 25 cm, probably theturnipsthey will develop larger roots. Generally it is recommended not to grow more than 20 - 30 plants per square meter of garden space.

How to grow turnips: planting of seedlings

If theturnips cultivationdoes not start fromseed but from the seedlings equipped with earthen bread, plant them directly respecting a distance of about 20 cm between one plant and another and leave a space of 25 - 30 cm between the rows.

How to grow turnips: care

As stated, thecultivationof theturnipsit is very simple and requires no special precautions. Remember to clean it constantly by eliminating weeds (as you should do for any other plant in the garden) and irrigate it often but little: watering must be frequent but never abundant! Remember that if you give too little water, theturnipit will taste harder and more pungent.

Fertilization recommended but not necessary

To obtainturnipsvoluminous, fertilized by distributing (when the plants are still growing), in two or three times, 20 grams of ammonium nitrate-26 (the quantity refers to each square meter of cultivation). The fertilizations must be spaced by 10 days in case of two fertilizations of 10 grams or once a week in the case of three fertilizations of about 6.5 grams. The fertilizations must be completed at least five weeks before harvest.

Thereturnip in the gardenalways gives good results, you just need a deep, loose, permeable and rich in organic substance.

When to harvest turnips?
Understanding when the turnips are ready and ripe is easy: when the root emerges from the ground it means that the turnip is ready!

If, with the end of autumn, there is a risk of frost, harvest in advance to avoid permanent damage to crops.

It can help you: what to grow in June.

Video: What to sow in February. What can I sow in February? February fruit and vegetable sowings (November 2024).